Software for Data Loggers  Ebro Software for Data Loggers

Winlog. pro
This software (professional version) enables real-time monitoring with wireless data loggers. Customised definition of individual areas possible (with their own statistics and calculations). Formula editor for calculating the F0-value of the absolute humidity, the PE value etc.
  • Real-time monitoring with wireless data loggers.
  • Display of the timeline, either absolute or relative.
  • Incl. calibration tool for data loggers.
  • Integration of pictures and graphics into reports possible.
  • IQ / OQ documentation optional.

Universal software for ebro data loggers.
  • Data import from other ebro application programmes
  • Many standard reports available.
  • Displays statistics on measurement data (e.g. MIN / MAX, mean, standard deviation etc.).
  • It is possible to create configurations.
Technical Data:
Hardware requirements:processor: Pentium 1 GHz, main memory: 1 GB, free hard disk space: 1 GB, USB
Software requirements:Windows Vista (32 bit or 64 bit), Windows 7,8, 10 (32 bit or 64 bit)
Resolution:1024 x 768

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